Why Good Vibes Aren’t Enough

We all love people who give off good vibes — who see the glass half full, smile and laugh a lot, and are quick to share kind and encouraging words. They seem to be happier and to carry a lighter load. And, they’re always attracting positive energy.
Maybe you want to be more like this, and you’ve heard that good vibes lead to a better life. But, do they? Here are a few things to consider:
Good vibes say “it’s all up to you.” The more positive energy you create from within, the higher you’ll rise in life. But, sometimes we’re weak and tired, and we don’t have anything left to give. We need something more than our own inner strength.
Good vibes can’t fix what’s broken. They tell us that, if we think positive thoughts, feel positive things, and act in positive ways, then we can create a brighter and more successful future. But, good vibes don’t have an answer for suffering — when bad things happen in the world, to our families, to us — when we keep messing up and we can’t break the cycle — when we’re struggling with guilt and shame. We need something that’s healing.
Good vibes are temporary. When life is going well — we’re succeeding at work, our family is happy, something unexpected and amazing happens — it can seem like we’re surrounded by positive energy. But circumstances are constantly shifting, and the same is true for our thoughts and feelings. Good vibes come and go, but we need something that lasts.
Is positive thinking good? Yes. Do we need to get rid of the negative? Absolutely. But is it enough? No. We were made for more than good vibes.
The problem isn’t our circumstances, or the amount of positive energy we can generate. It’s our desire to take things into our own hands and to fill what’s lacking in our lives. But, when we finally stop looking to ourselves, and we turn to the one who is in control, then he can give us what we really need.
He can fix what’s broken, including you. Jesus came to free you from all of your sin, guilt, and shame. Through faith in him, you’re completely forgiven, and God actually makes you into a new person 1 Peter 2:24 NLT, 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT. You have full access to a relationship with him Ephesians 3:12 NLT, and he satisfies all of your needs. Psalm 23 NLT
He can give you the abundant life. This isn’t the “good life” that the world promises. It’s a life of knowing God and walking with him Psalm 16:11 ESV, depending on him for everything, and letting him transform you into the image of his Son. Romans 8:29 NLT It’s trusting that, one day he will completely restore everything. There will be no more sin, death, sorrow, crying or pain. Everything will be made new and you will live with him forever. Revelation 21:1–4 NLT
He can strengthen you in the waiting. As a follower of Jesus, you have the Spirit of God living in you, transforming your mind and guiding you into the truth. John 16:13 NLT You don’t have to generate positive thoughts on your own. You don’t have to try and think your way out of circumstances. You can acknowledge that bad things are happening and that you are weak and broken. And, you can trust that God is using everything — including pain and suffering — for your good. Romans 8:28 NLT, 2 Corinthians 4:16–18 NIV